kettlebells at the gym



The Squat Showdown: Comparing Front, High Bar, and Low Bar Squats

Hey guys welcome back, on today’s episode of “As the Knowledge Wheel turns” we are talking about The SQUAT. Squats are the c…

Elevating Your Performance with Zone 4 Training: Reaching New Heights

In the realm of athletic training and performance, there’s a dynamic interplay between the pursuit of excellence and the science…

Unleashing Your Potential with Zone 3 Training: The Sweet Spot for Threshold Improvement

In the universe of athletic training and performance optimization, the journey is a dynamic and multifaceted one. Athletes continu…

The Power of Zone 2 Training: Building Endurance and Fat Metabolism

In the realm of athletic performance, the spotlight often falls on high-intensity workouts that promise quick results and the thri…

Embracing Zone 1 Training: The Foundation of Athletic Success

Athletic Success In the realm of athletic achievement and physical fitness, high-intensity workouts often claim the spotlight. Ath…

The Science of Strength: Why Random Exercises May Hinder Athlete Performance

In the world of fitness, random and spontaneous workouts may seem exciting and fun, especially when compared to the structured and…

Mastering the Art of Zone Training: Why Low-Intensity Training Reigns Supreme for Performance

When it comes to athletic performance and fitness, there’s a pervasive myth that high-intensity training is the ultimate path to…

Your Shoulders and The Bench Press

Hello, dedicated members of Gig Harbor Strength! Get ready to explore the Bench Press, a cornerstone of strength training, from a …

Unleash Your Potential: Mobility Drills for Effective Barbell Training

Barbell training is a fantastic way to build strength, power, and muscle mass. However, before you start hoisting heavy weights, i…

people working out in a group fitness class


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